Monday, August 18, 2008

I have swollowed the medicine!

I went to the hospital out patience center at 10 AM this morning. Since I am a women I had to have a pregnancy test done first. That blood work took an hour and 15 minutes to be completed. Once Nuclear Medicine had the results (not pregnant) I was able to swallow the liquid medicine. It wasn't bigger than a sip. The vile it was in was flushed with water 3 or 4 times and I had to drink that water too. Then I was done. It took all of 5 minutes.

Now I am back in our old house, staying all by my self. One little sip of radio active stuff and you are in isolation for 5 days!!!!


1 comment:

Grace, Hope and Joy said...

Can I have a drink? ; )

Praying for you!