After rain all weekend, on Sunday the rain turned to sleet and then snow. We got 4 inches. What a mess. It was beautiful and fun to play in, but underneath all that snow was laying water from all of the rain. Plus, we cannot find our boots. The two little boys stayed out the longest. They knew when they came in that they would have to do school work. They came in with their shoes and two pairs of socks socked all they way through. There feet were red!! The electric was only off for 1 1/2 days which isn't too bad, except we didn't have a wood stove to heat the house. Tuesday morning the house was down to 50 degrees inside. We were huddling around our kerosene heater.
The week starts out with the low in the teens and the highs only being 30 degrees. On Friday of this week it is to be in the 70's. So as the radio station said, if you don't like the weather just stick around it will change in a few days.
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