This morning started out cool and cloudy, but there was patches of blue sky. Lane has been asking for cinnamon rolls for breakfast this week, so last night I made them with Heather’s help. Steve baked them this morning. A very nice smell to wake up to.
At 8:40 we left the house to drive to church. On the way we picked up the Singoma family. Usually our vehicle has 13 people in it to go to church. This morning Wigan Singoma rode his bike to church. We arrived at the church, unlock it and then start cleaning it. We sweep the floors, dust the benches, and then rearrange the benches to how we want them. The church next door was singing a song I knew. So the Bemba words were running round in my head. A new experience that happens every once in a while.
We were surprised with two visitors who rode their bikes 24K from the border of Tanzania to come to our church this morning!
Two weeks ago Steve started doing ministry in Zombe. It is 24K north on the Tanzanian border. The one man he met while doing ministry there. This man brought his brother all the way into Mbala to attend church this morning!!!
The rains held off until about noon. First a cloud came in real low. It looked like a fog would come right in the windows. Then came a drizzle and then a down pour that kept up for over an hour. No one had umbrellas. So we hung around for a while just passing the time.
The guys from the border needed to get back for a funeral this afternoon. So we ran out in the rain to our vehicle. Steve drove the Singoma’s home first. We had to go in the back way. The main road in front of the house isn’t really passible even with 4 wheel drive. It has a lovely clay mud that just coats the tires. Then he took us home. Vern our dog didn’t even come to the gate it was raining so hard.
I sliced a loaf of bread, made popcorn, and hot tea, so that the guys would have something to eat. Steve drove them home and hopes to be back in Mbala in time for his afternoon Bible study at 3 PM.
We usually rest on Sunday afternoons. That is the kids and I do. The kids if they have tests or quizzes on Monday study for them. Quite often the electric if off. Today though it is on at normal strength. A rare thing. So I did a go of laundry, thinking that Steve will need his running gear for in the morning, forgetting that he is going to Kasama. So he will not be running. I also have started a bread dough, as I gave them my loaf of bread for tomorrow’s lunch.
It is now almost four PM. It is still raining. Steve will not be home for another hour. It is still letting down a heavy drizzle. Supper will be popcorn. So I am off to put up my feet.
Actually, Steve just called to ask that I send someone out to the gate as he is almost at it. When it is raining this much no one shows up to the Bible study. Seth got the gate. The interesting thing is a strange car followed Steve in. They just got done putting some gas in his car. So we shall see what that is all about.
OK, update. Steve got back to the church and loaded the three bikes on top of our vehicle in the pouring rain. There were still people who live right there in Maround at the church. So everybody loaded into the vehicle and Steve took them home. It was 2:15 when all of this was happening. He was not going to make it there and back in time for Bible Study.
Going out of Town just at Lake Chila they passed a slow going truck. Wigan recognized the man. He was one of the guys they have visited out in Kasesha, who had fed them lunch the one time they were there. He had come in yesterday and was going home today. So praise the Lord. He took the guys home. Steve and Wigan made it back to the church by 2:45. They waited until 3:30 to make sure no one was coming before they came home.
The car was Steve’s friend George from Zesco. He is being transferred to Isoka and ran out of money filling his car up. So Steve helped him out. He is going to Isoka for part of this week. He is going to bring us back Isoka rice!
OK, now maybe I will prop my feet up.