Sunday, November 6, 2011


I need to apologize for not doing a better job keeping this blog updated.  I go to other peoples blog and then fuss about the fact that they haven’t updated lately, yet I am guilty of the same thing. So here goes:  I’m sorry.

Life has been going on at a very fast pace.  I have never been a fan of fast pace.  I like to take things slowly.  We started our school year early anticipating breaks and trips.

This past week was really hectic.  Steve actually suggested we take the week off from school, but I couldn’t bring myself to do such a thing.  We will have a week off at Thanksgiving.  I just couldn’t do two weeks off in one month.

I have been very blessed to have workers.  One worker keeps our house clean the other worker keeps the yard clean and takes care of the garden.  They had finished grade 12 but never passed the tests.  So this year they have been going to school in the afternoons and evenings.  This past week was test week.  When one worker is sick or wants a day off it is no problem.  If I don’t have school to teach then it isn’t a problem for both of them to be gone.  Both of them off made for a very long week.

I did think ahead a little.  Last Saturday I made six loaves of bread, so that I wouldn’t have to do it during the week.  If I have bread to make then the school day starts too late.  I also put a chart on the board, listing all the things in the house that needed to be done.  The kids were a great help in getting the house clean.  We already have the garden divided up for watering it.  After the first day I just made a new rule: only one child is aloud to be outside watering at a time.  The rest needed to be in school.  Too much playing around was happening on the first day. 

The workers have one more test tomorrow morning.  Thinking ahead again, we cleaned on Saturday.  We usually don’t do any cleaning on the weekend.  So by doing it on Saturday, we don’t have to do it on Monday. 

Then the Lord blessed us this morning with a lot of rain.  So we don’t have to go water the garden tomorrow morning.  Now if I can just get Lane a little motivated to finish last weeks school work, we should be able to start this week off fresh and new with nothing extra to do.

Our house worker does want the month of January off.  So if you remember: pray for us.  It is going to be a long month.  At least our yard worker will still be here.  I do have him help in the house too. 


1 comment:

The Byrd's Nest said...

We don't have house help but I told Greg after we return from our daughter's wedding in Texas we are getting one to clean the house. It is just too much with homeschool and ministry. Praying for you!!!