Tuesday, June 1, 2010

More Water Problems

About three weeks ago now in the middle of the night I heard water running.  I went and checked, it sounded like it was next to the bathtub.  Since I couldn’t find anything leaking inside I went back to bed.  Steve also heard the water running.  In the morning our guard told us the pump had been running all night.  Our reservoir was almost empty.

Council water resevoir compOur water reservoir.

We looked high and low looking for the leak.  We called in a plumber.  He said the grass looks too green and the dirt is damp here along the house.  So we started digging up the yard.

Finding the leak Comp.Digging up the yard, following the pipes, looking for a leak!

Leak found comp.   

The leak is found!  A 5 inch hole – rusted through the pipe!

We called our LC (Logistics Coordinator) to get permission to spend the money to fix the pipe.  You couldn’t even see light through the pipes they are so clogged up.  So we replaced some piping.

Water Problems Comp 1. New piping going from the reservoir to the house.

Fixed pipe comp.

The new pipe hooked up to the old one going into the house.


Since then we have had the plumber back two more times to fix more leaks.  When you put in new pipe the water pressure is so much stronger that new leaks appear.  Also it works loose some of the stuff clogging the pipes only to clog up the pipe altogether.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Heather!
It Marisa Mann, from Louisville, Kentucky! You may not remember me, but we were in Kid's Fitness together and here in Spartanburg, you came to our Girl's Book Club at my house. My Mom gave me your family website and I just wanted to see how you were doing! Thanks!
Marisa Mann